Friday, July 18, 2008

Newest fertility treatment may be a diet (Reuters)

Magdalena Kalczak-Kanapka (R) and Magdalena Mazur-Wolak (L) practice during exercises for pregnant women at a hospital in Warsaw March 14, 2007. (Katarina Stoltz/Reuters)Reuters - The newest low-tech fertility treatment may be a diet, researchers said on Wednesday after learning that obese men have more abnormal sperm and make less semen.

When it comes to sites on the Internet that claim to have the best rated fish oil supplements, you need to take such ratings with a grain of salt.

To protect yourself from being duped, you must educate yourself on the facts. Namely, what things specifically make a fish oil supplement high quality and good value for money.

You see, many times when you see a site rating fish oil supplements, it's nothing more than a thinly veiled disguise to sell you their supplement.

Now, we're all biased, including myself. Because I've also already chosen what I believe to be the highest quality fish oil supplement on the market. However, unlike others, I don't create a false rating scale or claim there aren't other fantastic fish oil supplement products on the market. Because there are.

That's why I'm simply going to tell you what criteria to use when selecting a product and then you will have a high chance of ending up with one of the really good ones.

OK, let's get started.

First, your product should be molecularly distilled. Because of widespread contaminants in the world's waterways and Oceans, fatty fish (the kind naturally highest in omega-3 fatty acids) can accumulate a not insignificant level of toxins, such as mercury, lead, or PCB's. Obviously, these are serious toxins. Which is exactly why the FDA says pregnant or nursing women should limit their consumption of fish (and certain types of fish).

What molecular distillation does is to remove the toxins based on weight. This leaves the purified, healthy fish oils to be used in the supplements and the toxins discarded.

So, if anything claims to be one of the best rated fish oil supplements but isn't molecularly distilled, it's not a quality product at all.

The other thing to look for is what kind of fish type is being used in the product. Not all fish are equally high in omega 3 fatty acids. Some are much higher than others.

As such, when you buy a product, make sure it tells you specifically on the label how much omega 3 fatty acids are in each softgel. Moreover, it should also tell you the ratio of each type of omega 3 fatty acids. The two primary types you will find in fish oil are called DHA and EPA. DHA is the most important of the two for vital health, especially for the brain.

Most fish oil supplements have more EPA than DHA, but the better ones will have more DHA than EPA. Many of the fish oil supplements on the market simply won't even tell you how much DHA or EPA each capsule has. This is a red flag to us, since it appears they have something to hide.

The last thing you should look for it freshness. You see, most fish oil supplements are produced like this: the fish are caught in tankers and then transported long distances to their destination before processing.

As anyone who buy creatine ethyl ester malate eaten a fish knows, fish and oil go rancid quickly. If the fish is no longer fresh, your fish oil is no longer fresh either. These products will use a lot of preservatives in their supplements.

Now, all fish oil products should contain a little the form of a bit of vitamin E. However, it's much better to take a fish oil product that is produced from fish that is caught locally and transported a very short distance.

To us, this eliminates a lot of the really cheap products and even some of the big brands because these brands have to charge more and reduce product manufacturing costs (quality) to make up for the marketing costs they incur.

In our opinion, when rating fish oil supplements you should actually look for ones that are produced by a smaller company that has control over the entire manufacturing process. This also allows them to control sourcing and where their fish are coming from.

Dan Ho is chief editor of Visit us now to learn about the fish oil supplements we personally use and why we chose this product.


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